Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Heroku - Yak Shaving

I haven't pushed to heroku in so long that all my apps were sleeping. I realized that there was not much in there that was useful so I set about with some yak shaving and deleted at least ten apps. I had to install heroku on my laptop. There is now a toolbelt.  My process of adding heroku:

    $ sudo -i     This sets me up as the root user.

    $ wget -qO- | sh  

This didn't work so Lars did this:

    $ sh ./the-name-of-the-script  

wget is a program that downloads files from web servers. You could run: $wget and get the index.html from your site. In this case, you are using wget to download a script from heroku's server and then piping it to "sh" so you're downloading a script from the internet and running it locally as root. For whatever reason it didn't pipe to sh properly so I just ran:   
$ sh ./the-name-of-the-script
This worked and I ran $ heroku create Then $ heroku login to check it out. After freaking out that my heroku app url only said: "An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments." I finally read the part in the tutorial that says: "Unfortunately, the resulting page is an error; as of Rails 4.0, for technical reasons the default Rails page doesn’t work on Heroku." I renamed my heroku app to railstutorial-jendiamond.

Lars and I are sitting under the gazebo in Griffith Park. We have a lot of layers on so we were pretty comfortable. We are sitting at a table with a woman named Lucia who is studying for her Masters in Psychology at USC. We saw 8 deer wandering around today. It's a lot quieter here in the rain. It's around 2:30 and it is starting to get pretty chilly so we are heading home. I am going to stop off at the Observatory so I can look at the view.

Team Dysania and Team Bundler were going to meet up tonight to go over the Rails Girls materials so everyone felt comfortable coaching at the upcoming Rails Girls workshop. Jessica got sick and couldn't go so we cancelled until sometime in the future.

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