Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Naming conventions are important even in Fizz Buzz

I was playing around with Fizz Buzz today.

I started thinking about the dividing part of Fizz Buzz.

I originally was creating 3 methods which I then called in the print_fizzbuzz method.

def divide_by_fifteen(num)
  num % 15

def divide_by_three(num)
  num % 3

def divide_by_five(num)
  num % 5

I realized that I could condense these into one method.

So I went back to math to figure out the best wording for the arguments.

dividend  / divisor == quotient

And thus the final method that is very clear as long as you remember your math.
I added this: ( dividend  / divisor == quotient ) as a comment to be crystal clear.

def divide_by(dividend, divisor)
  dividend % divisor == 0


Then to print the fizz buzz I was looping through a range, for the argument I was using the placeholder num.

I started to think about what I was actually trying to say there.
Instead of just saying num what was it that I really meant?

It took me a while to distill down the words in my head.

First I thought about the problem.
What is "num"? It is the number that I want the Fizz Buzz to stop at.
So I thought end_num, end_number, limit.

When trying to narrow down a word I find it useful to use a Thesaurus
Here are the synonyms for the word limit:

These are the words that I thought might be good for my argument after viewing that list:
terminates at
end of range

Then I noticed that I was calling a range.
What could the beginning and the end of a rangebe called?
Answer: lower bound and upper bound

  def print_fizz_buzz(upper_bound)
    fizzbuzz = []
    (1..upper_bound).each do | dividend |
      if divide_by(dividend, 15)
        fizzbuzz << "fizz buzz"
      elsif divide_by(dividend,3)
        fizzbuzz << "fizz"
      elsif divide_by(dividend,5)
        fizzbuzz << "buzz"
        fizzbuzz << dividend

Friday, January 20, 2017

Fun with Ruby and CSV

In Ruby, you can import your CSV file either at once (storing all of the file content in memory) or read from it row-by-row

Either way you do it, Ruby will store each table row as an array, with each cell being a string element of the array.