$ Ctrl+A - to send the cursor to start of the command
$ Ctrl+E - to send the cursor to the end of the command.
$ Ctrl+C - used to quit a running program in terminal
$ Ctrl U - clears the line
$ Ctrl+L - clears the screen while retaining whatever was there on the current prompt
$ Ctrl+R - and write few characters from the start of command you’re looking for
$ echo <whatever> - reads back in the terminal whatever you write
$ cat <filename> - reads the file
$ touch <filename> - creates a new file
$ head -5 output - displays content from the beginning of a file
$ tail -5 output - displays the last five lines from the file ‘output’
$ history | grep "myarticle.txt"
$ rm -rf dirname - to force remove a directory and it's contents
$ ! - runs a previously run command
$ jobs - lists all the commands running in the background !
$ ps - displays a list of the processes you’ve launched
$ fg - bring a specific job back to the foreground
$ kill %<job-number> kills a process by it's job-number in the list or
$ kill<PID> kill a process by is process id (PID) 1234
sudo lsof -i - "list open files", which is used in many Unix-like systems to report a list of all open files and the processes that opened them.
For fun:
$ telnet
Blank Terminal Window
$ Ctrl+E - to send the cursor to the end of the command.
$ Ctrl+C - used to quit a running program in terminal
$ Ctrl U - clears the line
$ Ctrl+L - clears the screen while retaining whatever was there on the current prompt
$ Ctrl+R - and write few characters from the start of command you’re looking for
$ echo <whatever> - reads back in the terminal whatever you write
$ cat <filename> - reads the file
$ touch <filename> - creates a new file
$ head -5 output - displays content from the beginning of a file
$ tail -5 output - displays the last five lines from the file ‘output’
$ history | grep "myarticle.txt"
$ rm -rf dirname - to force remove a directory and it's contents
$ ! - runs a previously run command
$ jobs - lists all the commands running in the background !
$ ps - displays a list of the processes you’ve launched
$ fg - bring a specific job back to the foreground
$ kill %<job-number> kills a process by it's job-number in the list or
$ kill<PID> kill a process by is process id (PID) 1234
sudo lsof -i - "list open files", which is used in many Unix-like systems to report a list of all open files and the processes that opened them.
On a Mac you can
$ Option + Click - to get to a specific spot in your commandline
$ Option + Click - to get to a specific spot in your commandline
For fun:
$ telnet
Blank Terminal Window