Somehow I managed to merge master with master or something, anyways my master was messed up.
The series of things Kurtis had me do to get back to the real master:
- 574 history | grep git
- 575 git log
- 576 git checkout origin/master
- 577 git fetch
- 578 git branch -D master
- 579 git checkout -b master
- 581 git branch
- 582 git checkout fancyproduct-missing-images
- 583 git log
- 584 git reset --soft HEAD^1
- 585 git status
- 586 git stash
- 587 git checkout master
- 588 git branch -D fancyproduct-missing-images
- 589 git checkout -b fancyproducy-missingimages
- 590 git stash apply
- 591 git add .
- 596 git status
- 597 git add .
- 598 git commit -m 'adds images ajaxloader grid and updates fancyproductdesigner css'
- 599 git branch
- 600 git push origin fancyproducy-missingimages
- 601 history | grep git
I Exploded Git again!
Arrghh. This is what I think happened:
I was fixing a pull request to remove the changes to db/schema.rb
When I was doing the edits before I did the push I had to run $rake db:migrate so it updated the database.
When I did a $ git add . it added the changes to the database
Kurtis wanted me to get rid of those changes from the pull request.
In order to do this I went back to my branch and ran
$ git reset --soft HEAD^
I tried to push and it kept being rejected.
I did a $ git pull . master
tried to push and it was still rejected so I had to force push because I rewrote the history
I did $ git push --force
WHICH WAS BAD! Never git force without specifying what branch name or which remote.
(The remote is origin or upstream)
This eneded up forcing all my branches to the master on github which erased all the commits that Kurtis had made too. Luckily he still had his remote branches and could re-push them. Phew. That would have been an actual disaster.
What I should have done was
$ git push --force origin branch_name
$ git log -p is git log --pretty=oneline
473 git reset soft HEAD^1
474 git reset --soft HEAD^1
477 git status
479 git reset HEAD db/schema.rb
480 git status
481 git add public/beta.html
482 git commit -m 'undid the changes to db/schema'
483 git branch
484 git push origin public-images
485 git push origin public-images
486 git checkout -- db/schema.rb
487 git status
488 git push origin public-images
489 git pull . master
490 git status
491 git push origin public-images
492 git pull --rebase . master
493 git status
494 git push origin public-images
495 git push --help
496 git status
497 git log -b
498 git log -p
499 git branch
500 history | grep git